Load Google Earth Engine in your web browser at: https://code.earthengine.google.com
Some key code editor features include:
We will start the practical exercise by working with the GEE map interface.
Let’s start by setting the map so that it shows the Kalbarri, Western Australia. In the Search for places or datasets box at the top of GEE, start typing in Kalbarri and you will see Kalbarri suggested under PLACES. Click on it and the map will centre on the Kalbarri.
In the upper right of the map display are Map and Satellite buttons. This changes the basemap from Google Maps style to a satellite image. Click on Satellite to change the basemap.
You can use the Zoom tool in the map window to zoom in and out, and click and drag the map to change the view. However, we want to set the location and zoom level in our script so the map will always be placed at the study area when we run the script.
// 1. set the zoom
// Change the argument to setZoom to illustrate how you can programmatically control the Map.
Before you continue any further, let’s save the script. Click the Save button and enter the File Name as tc-seroja-building-damage.js and click OK.
// 2. Centre the map at a location
// Create a point object.
var kalbarriPoint = ee.Geometry.Point([114.16361565669752, -27.71407018883071]);
// Centre the map on the point object.
Map.centerObject(kalbarriPoint, 12);
We need to represent geographic features and phenomenon as data in our programs. Geographic data comprises:
Raster data - pixels / grid cells. Vector data - geometric objects (points, lines, polygons).
An Image
comprises one or more bands of raster objects.
// 3. Images
// Load a Planet Scope 4 Image.
// Print to the console - explore Image metadata.
var ps4Img = ee.Image("users/jmad1v07/morethanmaps/ps4-median-composite");
We can relate values in Image
pixels to colour on the display to visualise features in an Image
. This image contains reflectance in red, green, and blue bands so we can map it to the display to create an RGB composite (true colour composite).
// Center the map and zoom in on Kalbarri.
// Rescale raster (Image) data.
// Visualise raster (Image) data.
Map.centerObject(kalbarriPoint, 16);
ps4Img = ps4Img.divide(10000);
var ps4VisParams = {
'bands': ['b3', 'b2', 'b1'],
Map.addLayer(ps4Img, ps4VisParams, 'PS4 Image');
Note the //
- this is a comment which is reference text for you. It is not executed in your program.
An ImageCollection
is a stack of Image
data structure in Google Earth Engine (source: Google Earth Engine)//4. ImageCollection - stack of Images.
var ps4ImgColl = ee.ImageCollection('users/jmad1v07/morethanmaps/kalbarri-ps4-tc-seroja');
Operations that can be applied to ImageCollection
s based on a conditions.Image
s within an ImageCollection
s within an ImageCollection
.Selecting Image
s from an ImageCollection
based on a condition.
// 5. Filter Images pre TC Seroja
var ps4PreTCSeroja = ps4ImgColl
.filterDate('2021-01-01', '2021-04-09');
print('Images pre-TC Seroja:', ps4PreTCSeroja);
in Google Earth Engine (source: Google Earth Engine).Summarise all Image
s in the ImageCollection
. Here, we take the median value across all Image
s and pixels in the ImageCollection
// 6. Reducer
// Median reducer
// divide by 1000 to rescale PS4 image to reflectance
var ps4PreTCSerojaMedian = ps4PreTCSeroja.median().divide(10000);
print('pre-TC Seroja - median Image:', ps4PreTCSerojaMedian);
// Visualise reduced image
// visualise parameters
var medianVisParams = {
'bands': ['b3', 'b2', 'b1'],
'min': 0,
'max': 0.25
Map.addLayer(ps4PreTCSerojaMedian, medianVisParams, 'PS4 Image - pre-TC Seroja');
Vector data represents geographic features as geometric objects (points, lines, and polygons).
Positional information is represented as coordinates. Non-spatial attribute information is used to describte geographic features associated with coordinates.
Geometric features in Google Earth Engine are stored as Geometry
objects. The ee.Geometry.Point()
function takes an array of coordinates and returns a Point
// 7. Geometry
// Vector data - point
var kalbarriPoint = ee.Geometry.Point([114.16361565669752, -27.71407018883071]);
print('Kalbarri Point:', kalbarriPoint);
Map.addLayer(kalbarriPoint, {color: 'blue'}, 'Point');
objects in Google Earth Engine combine geographic locations (as Geometry
objects) with a Dictionary
object of non-spatial attribute information. Dictionary
objects store this information in name:value
pair format.
// 8. Feature
// Features combine geographic coordinates with a Dictionary object of Feature properties.
var kalbarriFeature = ee.Feature(kalbarriPoint, {name: 'Kalbarri'});
print('Kalbarri Feature:', kalbarriFeature);
store a collection of Feature
s. Similar to ImageCollection
s there are operations to filter and reduce FeatureCollections
. Executing the following code will render a FeatureCollection
of building footprints from Microsoft’s Building Footprints layer on the Map display.
// 9. Feature Collection - Building Footprints
var buildingFootprints = ee.FeatureCollection('users/jmad1v07/morethanmaps/microsoft_building_footprints');
print('Building Footprings:', buildingFootprints);
Map.addLayer(buildingFootprints, {}, 'Building Footprints');
See the main workshop page for detailed notes on key remote sensing concepts.
Use the inspector tab to explore pixel values for Image
s displayed on the map. The pixel values are in units of spectral reflectance.
Click at a location on the map and look in the Inspectors tab. Under the PS4 Image - pre-TC Seroja Image
you should see four numbers printed against properties labelled b1
, b2
, b3
, and b4
. These numbers are the surface reflectance values recorded by the sensor in different wavelengths:
: blue visible lightb2
: green visible lightb3
: red visible lightb4
: near-infrared lightb1
, b2
, b3
, and b4
are the names of Image
bands. Surface reflectance values for the same location but different wavelengths are stored in a separate band. Each band is a raster dataset - values are stored in pixels.
.Visualise surface reflectance values for a single band on the map. Let’s map surface reflectance in the visible blue wavelengths.
// 10. Blue band surface reflectance
var ps4Blue = ps4PreTCSerojaMedian.select('b1');
Map.addLayer(ps4Blue, {min:0, max: 0.4}, 'PS4 Blue Band');
House roofs appear brightest on the map which indicates they have the highest reflectance values. This makes sense, roofs are typically smooth shiny surfaces that will reflect incoming sunlight.
.As mentioned above, different surfaces have different levels of reflectance at different wavelengths. In other words, different surface objects have different spectral reflectance characteristics which we can use to distinguish objects or features in a satellite image.
Use the Layers selector to bring the image PS4 Image - pre-TC Seroja onto the map display. Then head to the Inspector tab, click on a water pixel, and then click on the chart symbol next to the layer name. This will allow you visualise pixel values in a bar chart.
.Click on pixels of different surface cover types such as buildings, roads, and vegetation.
Now we will use the data and skills learned so far to develop a program that can map building damage following Tropical Cyclone Seroja from satellite images.
Display a high spatial resolution Nearmap aerial Image
after Tropical Cyclone Seroja struck Kalbarri to see where building damage occurred.
// 11. High-resolution Nearmap image
var nmKalbarriSeroja = ee.Image("users/jmad1v07/morethanmaps/kalbarri-nearmap-tcseroja");
Map.addLayer(nmKalbarriSeroja, {}, 'Nearmap post-TC Seroja');
We might expect there to be a decrease in surface reflectance compared to it's pre-damaged state. The cyclone damage will make the roof surface rougher, incoming solar radiation will be reflected equally in all directions with less energy being directly reflected to the satellite-sensor. This will be our working hypothesis. We'll expect that damaged roofs will show a decrease in surface reflectance compared to their pre-damaged state and undamaged roofs will have similar levels of surface reflectance before and after the storm.
Change detection is an image analysis technique where two images of the same location, but captured on different dates, are compared to identify change in surface reflectance which can be related to actual change on the Earth’s surface.
First, we need to create a post-Tropical Cyclone Seroja Image
// 12. post TC Seroja
var ps4PostTCSerojaMedian = ps4ImgColl
.filterDate('2021-04-12', '2021-04-19')
Map.addLayer(ps4PostTCSerojaMedian, ps4VisParams, 'PS4 Image - post-TC Seroja');
Then, we can divide the pre-Tropical Cyclone Seroja Image
with the post-event Image
to create a change map.
// Change building image
var change = ps4PreTCSerojaMedian.divide(ps4PostTCSerojaMedian);
Map.addLayer(change.select('b1'), {min: 0.8, max: 1.4, palette:['00ffff', 'ffff00', 'ff0000']}, 'Change Image');
You should see a similar Image
to the below figure on your map display. Areas in red correspond to locations where there is a decrease in surface reflectance in the blue band after Tropical Cyclone Seroja.
We’re only interested in damage to buildings. Let’s clip our change Image
to just the building footprint extents to emphasise damage to roofs.
// 13. builing damage
var buildingDamage = change.clip(buildingFootprints);
Map.addLayer(buildingDamage.select('b1'), {min: 0.8, max: 1.4, palette:['00ffff', 'ffff00', 'ff0000']}, 'Building Damage');
Turn off all layers except the Building Damage layer and the Nearmap post-TC Seroja layer. Compare the areas in red shades, which indicate a decrease in surface reflectance, to the high-resolution Nearmap Image
. Do the areas with decreased surface reflectance correspond to buildings with damaged roofs?
s with Google satellite basemap shown for context. (Google Earth: Imagery ©2021 Maxar Technologies, CNES / Airbus, Map data ©2021).Image
s with Google satellite basemap shown for context. (Google Earth: Imagery ©2021 Maxar Technologies, CNES / Airbus, Map data ©2021).Can we identify damaged roofs when we only have a post-event Image
. This is often the case if an Image
is tasked after an event has occurred.
Let’s see if we can create a map of roof texture or roughness and see if that corresponds to sites of damage.
Clip the high resolution Nearmap Image
to the building extents.
// 14. High-resolution roofs
var highResRoof = nmKalbarriSeroja.clip(buildingFootprints);
Map.addLayer(highResRoof, {}, 'Nearmap - high-res roofs');
This will convert the Nearmap RGB Image
into a texture Image
using the red bands. Higher values will indicate a rougher surface.
// 15. Compute roof roughness
var square = ee.Kernel.square({radius: 4});
var roofTexture = highResRoof.entropy(square).reproject('EPSG:32750', null, 0.5);
Map.addLayer(roofTexture.select('b3'), {min: 3, max: 4.5, palette:['00ffff', 'ffff00', 'ff0000']}, 'Nearmap - roof texture');
Explore the roof roughness Image
on the map display and see if you can spot patterns between roof texture and building damage.
compared to pre- and post-Image
change detection?
The finer spatial resolution pixels of the Nearmap Image
means that small-scale damage to roofs can be detected which might not be captured in the coarse spatial resolution Planet Scope 4 Image
s. However, features on roofs such as solar panels create a rough texture which could be conflated with building damage. If the solar panels were not affected by the cyclone, then roof damage detection using pre- and post-cyclone images for change detection should not be affected be complex roofs.